Breast milk is the best gift a mother can give to her baby.Furthermore, breast milk is considered the most expensive liquid in the world. Currently, the market price for an ounce (30 ml) of milk is around USD1 – 2.50 (RM4.29 to RM10.72). I am not here to discuss the blooming market of breast milk. For the sake of our babies’ health, mothers will work their ways to supply more milk. Here are my 10 milk booster tips and tricks
#1 Frequent Direct Latch

After I gave birth to baby Chen, I have been trying hard to exclusively pump milk for him. During the first 2 months, he often scream when I want to direct latch him. Luckily, he finally learn to latch on me for milk.
#2 Drink More Waters

I drank 4 litres of water per day to ensure enough milk supply.
#3 Drink High Protein Soup

Fish soup, toufu soup and papaya soup work the wonder
#4 Drink Fruit Juices
I often drink apple beetroot juice, guava juice, carrot milk juice on weekend as milk booster
#5 Adequate Quality Sleep

Weekend mean nap time for me. Mr Ang will take care baby Chen for me
#6 Eat Lactation Cookies

Previously, I ordered lactation cookies and brownies from Mom More Milk. After some time, I decided to bake it with my mother. It is very simple recipe to bake. My mother will bake it on weekend. I will eat it in the office
#7 Correct Mindset

Meditation help me to produce more milk. I just focus on chanting “MORE MILK”, “May my family be well and happy”.
#8 Watch Drama While Pumping

Surprisingly, this tricks work for many breastfeeding mother. In my case, I tried out different drama to see the result.
Average milk volume per session | Drama genre | Example |
90ml | America Drama | West world, CSI |
100ml | Korea Sad Drama | Seo-Young, My Drama |
120ml | Korea Pop Drama, Chinese Drama | The Descendant of Sun, Princess Wei Yang |
140ml | Japan Drama | Gorume Doramas |
I know it sound bizarre. Who care as long you can produce enough milk for your baby.
#9 Eat Overnight Oat

Overnight oat is my supper. I eat overnight oat around 10pm. Thus, I can produce 200 ml + milk around 3am to 4am
#10 Power Pumping

Power pumping is a technique to mimic a baby drinking habit.
Share with me your milk booster tips and tricks at the comment area below.

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